Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 6

Today has been a GREAT day! I woke up and had my morning drinks. Are you getting sick of hearing that yet? It was kind of weird because I had to plan to bring all my Advocare stuff with me to Justin's last night and I "ate" breakfast while he enjoyed fast food breakfast. It was strange, but not bad.

I had to run some errands around town, but I made it home for lunch. I ate the last of the whole wheat noodles with health spaghetti sauce, and topped with 1/4 cup ground turkey. I also ate 6 grape tomatoes. Afterwards I had a Spark energy drink and headed to the gym. Yes, you read that right! I went to the gym on Saturday! The Y doesn't have classes on the weekends so I did the weight loss program on the elliptical, and then did both the in and out hip abduction machines. I also did the leg press machine. 
I look amazing when I work out, and I take pictures for you guys
all the time. Blogger always puts the pics of me sideways though,
 so I don't actually post them often. Today's your lucky day!

386 calories GONE!
This afternoon my house-purchasing adventure hit a new level of reality. I paid my earnest and options fee and ordered my inspection. As a first-time homebuyer it's scary but exciting! I can't wait for the day that I'm all moved into my HOUSE. The cats will love it and it gives me so much hope for the future I hope Justin and I will have there. Besides, what woman doesn't like to decorate!?!  Here's a glimpse of the master bedroom. Obviously the wallpaper has to be painted over, but look at all the S.P.A.C.E!

Hopefully this will be all mine soon!
I'm not sure why but I was super hungry around 3pm today so I took 1/4 cup mixed nuts. This is another new thing for me. I hate nuts!!  Only I discovered today that I don't really. This mix is Planter's Omega-3 Mix which is walnuts, dried cranberries and dark chocolate covered soy nuts. It was tasty! I also had a pear about an hour later because I was hungry again for some reason. 

For dinner I had a salad with taco meat and 1/2 an avocado. I also set up a meal in the crocpot tonight so I can add some more variety. I'm starting to feel like I'm eating the same thing over and over and that's not good. Overall it's been a great day and I'm ready for some sleep! Chao!