Results of my 24-Day Challenge were AMAZING! I lost 15.4 pounds total, and 12.875 inches!! I've learned to love water, and crave it when I don't drink enough. I haven't worked out as much as I hoped and I had some cheats along the way but overall I learned so much and developed many healthy habits. I'd recommend the challenge to everyone!
Here were the goals I set in my very first blog post on Day 1. My current comments are in purple (I'm a professor, after all)!
Short term (During the 24-day Challenge):
- Successfully follow the program every day. Not a single cheat. Unrealistic goal. But, the cheats were few and far between.
- Develop health habits. Eat foods that my body needs, not that my emotions want. Work out on a regular basis. Accomplished! I think this is the most important part of the entire experience!
- Lose 20 lbs. I know that sounds like a lot but I know people who have done the challenge and lost more than that. I'll be happy with whatever the number ends up being. I'm happy with the 15.4 and I know I'll continue to see the numbers drop on the scale!
- Lose inches. I honestly don't know enough to set a numerical goal, so let's see what happens. I'm very pleased, though I wish the inches I lost in my chest had been in my tummy or thighs.
- Begin the journey of letting go of the past and focusing on the future. I'm still working on this. I'm light years ahead of where I was when I set this goal but still have some adjusting to do. I'm on the right track, I believe.
- Stop saying negative things about myself. Be positive. Well, I haven't stopped but it's a lot less and I'm aware of when I say things. Work in progress.
- Routinely make healthy food choices out of habit. 4th of July weekend aside, done and done.
- Share these habits with everyone. Friends, family, strangers of the Internet. I want to live in a healthy world and everyone deserves that. This is a hard thing to do without upsetting people. I have to figure out how to do it tactfully, and if you know me tact isn't always my strongest trait.
- Exercise 3-5 times a week for life. I used to be a 3-season athlete and I'd love to play on a team of some sort again. Basketball? Softball? Dodgeball? Yes. All of them and more! Going well so far, until I sprained my ankle. I'm going back tomorrow to test it out and see if my ankle is ready. My wonderfully supportive mommy bought me a new ankle brace so that should help tremendously! Hopefully within a year I can join a team.
- 125-150 pounds. Yeah, it's a lot. I know. But I managed to gain that much so over time, even if it's a lot of time, I should be able to lose it. Over 15 lbs is a good start. Keep encouraging me!!!
- This is the most important. I want to feel good. For example, I want tying shoes and walking up stairs not to be a struggle. I want to walk across the campus I teach at without a huge feeling of dread, sweat and loss of breath. I've still got a ways to go before I'm comfortable in my own body again, but I'm on the right track. I ate crap food all weekend and I feel bloated. I never realized that I was feeling this way all the time, but I do not like it. I'm looking forward to going back to eating well tomorrow!
In other news, the house fell through and I've decided to put the house-hunt on hold. I'm going to move into a friend's house, rent 2 rooms and a bathroom from her for less than I'm paying for my 1/1 apartment with crappy neighbors and save up extra for the down payment. I also accepted a new job for the fall so I'll be transitioning there as well. All in all, lots and lots of changes and they're all for the good. Life is good, and I'm enjoying this journey to finding myself again. Hope all is well in your world!
glad to read about your successes...!!