Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 14

"If at first you don't succeed, try try again." - My Bubbie. Or, as the Internet and research would show, William Edward Hickson. Either way, it's encouraging to me.

Sunday was not a good day for my healthy lifestyle/diet at all. Everything from Friday evening/Saturday caught up with me and I made bad decisions. I did have my morning drinks, but by lunch all bets were off!

For lunch Justin and I had Sonic. We were out running errands and I made a bad choice. Errr, choices. Once we at the drive-in I decided if I was cheating I was going to make it "worth it." I had a Sonic cheeseburger with mayo and ketchup, no onions AND an order of cheddar peppers with ranch.
My biggest screw up thus far.
I'm not going to lie. It was DELICIOUS. Then, as if lunch hadn't been bad enough, I had take out Chinese food for dinner. I know, it's humiliating, depressing, and astonishing how I could throw away so much hard work for one day of unhealthy food. I paid for it, though. By 7pm on Sunday my body was clearly letting me know it was not happy with me. I'll spare you the details, and just say it was not fun. I don't plan on doing that again anytime soon.
Bahaha! I couldn't resist! I'm just kidding!!
Instead of getting caught up in the guilt , I've tried to take some lessons from the experience.

  1. I now know I can survive a bad food day. 
  2. I can have a bad day and go back to the diet/healthy eating the next day. Bad days will be an exception not a norm. 
  3. Just because it looks good on the menu or in my head doesn't mean it's actually all that good in reality.
  4. A bad day doesn't mean I'll instantly gain back all my weight. I will, however, pay for it in how I feel and that makes it not "worth it."
A reminder I could have used on Sunday.
Hopefully it will help you TODAY!

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