Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 17

Wednesday was another rough day. I started out by waking up too late for the 9am workout class. I didn't work out on Tuesday so I told myself I'd go to the 4:30 class instead. That didn't end up panning out since I didn't get home until almost 10pm.

For breakfast I had my MNS, Meal replacement shake and Spark energy drink. I had forgotten to carry up my new case of water so I had to use tap water and measure it out. I'm not a fan. I know it's wasteful but I really love the ease and convenience of bottled water.

I ended up going to Lamar to take care of some loose paperwork and ended up staying until almost 5 to do work things and get a surprise ready for a party one of my friends is having for the 5th of July. Sadly, while I was at work I finally got a response from the sellers of the house I had under contract. Yes, I just said "had." Due to the sellers being unwilling to make foundation repairs (along with some other minor repairs), I decided to terminate the contract. It sucks and I'm not really excited about getting back to the house hunt. I am, however, motivated to get out of my crappy apartment so hopefully in a few days I'll feel re-energized and be back on the hunt.
Just call me Sherlock Katz.
In all the mess of the day I forgot to eat lunch. I know that's not good for your body, but I'm pretty sure it's the first time in history I've forgotten to eat a meal. I usually have my meals planned in my head (or at least options) at least 1 or 2 meals ahead. The fact that food wasn't on my mind has to be a victory in some way.

Marjan took me to dinner to cheer me up. We decided to split a Crispy Chicken Salad, with RANCH dressing. Mmmm, I missed Ranch. I have to say, though, my Walden Farms dressing makes me just as happy on a day to day basis.
I had one pinch of the croissant, too,
while we're being honest.
We also decided to split Idaho Nachos.
So amazingly yummy.
Now, clearly I "cheated" on my diet last night, but I'm not upset about it. Not only did we leave at least a third of each dish, but when we used to meet we'd both order our own salad, and we'd split a spinach dip appetizer and Idaho nachos or cheese fries. As she pointed out to me, we're both eating so much healthier than we used to, even when it's a cheat night. I should have taken a picture of the after to show you guys but we didn't think of it until we were walking out of the restaurant.

I also had my first alcohol since I started my journey. Don't judge me. The house stuff took a toll on me and my 100 calorie Skinny Margarita was worth every calorie!
no salt = no extra sodium intake
The best part of yesterday? While I was driving up to Lamar the ring I usually wear on my pinkie finger fell off when I went to grab my phone. So, now I get to wear it on my ring finger!  (How do you spell pinkie? Spell check didn't like "pinky" and I hate the "ie".) Also, the ring I wear on my other hand on the ring finger got moved to my middle finger as well! I like to think of it as flipping the bird to the weight I've lost. :)

The best part of day 18? I woke up this morning and had lost 1.6 lbs since yesterday morning, making my total 12 pounds! So, even with my cheat meal I'm still losing weight!  Don't worry, I'll post a full day 18 post but I couldn't wait to share the good news. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and I hope to see you back here for my next post!

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